Lil Squall Transceiver ][Price: $40.00 |
The Lil Squall II Transceiver kit (recently upgraded for the FDIM Build-a-Thon) is QRPmes version of the venerable Pixie Transceiver.
Like its really big brother, the SUPER Tuna ][, it is designed to be a tinkerers delight. It fits in a small personal size tuna can, has a top quality silk-screened solder masked pcb with plated through holes. I reviewed a ton of online comments about why the Pixie works, why it does not, what to fix, etc, and made a bunch of mods that will allow the builder to have a lot of play value:
There is a socket for the FINAL transistor for easy experimenting with output power.
Likewise, the feedback caps in the oscillator circuit also have sockets making it easy to experiment with new bands.
The crystal also has a socket for easily moving the operating frequency about a band.
The low pass filter on the output is on a readily changeable band module so the Lil Squall can be moved about the bands quite easily.
The kit comes will ALL the parts necessary to complete the transceiver in fine fashion and includes 40m 7030 & 7122 crystal.
All connectors are included and mount directly on the board so there is no wiring to futz with and a very clean looking finished kit.
Stock Pixie operation (fixed frequency), automatic T/R offset or mechanical (via T/R switch) offset frequency shifting modes are all supported.
I know, you can buy a Pixie kit from several sources at prices between $10 and $30... For $10 you have to buy the crystals (or use your own) and scavenge for the connectors and case. For $30 you can you get all the parts but no case or crystal. But all these other Pixie kits are very limited in what you can do with the rig AFTER you build it and most end up in the closet or drawer. The Lil Squall ][ has so much flexibility, you will be playing with it for days...weeks...month...or dare I say...years?? The LST ][ Builders Guide is the MOST recent set of instructions as developed for the FDIM Build-a-Thon. Check it out!